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Hymns and Readings

Before deciding on the hymns and other music at you service, the Priest or a member of her staff should be consulted. Legally, she has the right to decide which Hymns and Music are to be used, but usually this is a matter of discussion with the couple to be married, and there are not normally any dificulties.

Here are some suggestions of suitable Hymns and Songs that you could use:-

All things bright and beautiful

Be thou my vision

Bind us together Lord

Christ triumphant, ever reigning

Come down, O love dvine

Give me joy in my heart keep me praising

Lead us heavenly Father lead us

Let there be love shared among us

Lord of all hopefulness

Lord of the dance

Love divine , all loves excelling

Make me a channel of your peace

Morning has broken


O perfect love

Tell out my soul

To God be the glory

(Carols are also appropriate at Christmas weddings)

During the signing of the Register

The Church choir, or any other choir you may know, could be invited to sing, or the Organist can play music of your choice, you may even ask a singer or musician friends to sing or play. Please discuss this with the Director of Music at the Church. The following are some suggestions for use at this time.

Ave Maria by Bach / Gound or Ave Maria by Franck

Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring by Bach

Gaelic Blessing by Rutter

Lead me Lord


Teach me O Lord.


Choosing a Reading.

The Wedding service normally has a Bible reading, which is chosen from a wide range of topics such as love, commitment and the best foundations for living. Some deal more specifically with the love of God and the examples Jesus gave us.

Normally there are either two or three readings in the service. Look the following up and read them and then ask yourself these questions.

Which of these readings makes most sense?

Are there words, phrases or sentences in a reading that I particularly like?

Which of the readings do I find difficult to understand?

Are there parts of the reading I don't understand and I want to ask about?

Which of the readings reflects best what I hope for in my marriage?

Here are some suggested readings.:-

Genesis 2: 18-25                                                  1 John 4: 7-12

Genesis 1: 26-28, 31                                             John 15: 9-12

John 2: 1-11                                                        Colossians 3: 12-17

Romans 12: 1-2, 9-13                                          Ephesians 3: 14-21

Matthew 7: 21, 24-27                                           Ephesians 5: 21-33

1 Corinthians 13: 1-13

A non biblical reading e.g. a favourite poem or something from a play or book can be used for a second reading providing it is appropriate for a Church wedding. It is a nice idea to ask family or friends to do the readings.

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